Flexible Edge Solutions CEO Sonja Batten, Ph.D., is an experienced and transformational leader, with demonstrated success in the private sector consulting, government health care, and nonprofit industries. Sonja has provided leadership in policy, administrative, clinical, research, and academic contexts, having served as an executive at a Fortune 500 company, a Vice President at a fast-growing nonprofit, and a Senior Executive in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. She was also the first Deputy Director of the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury, as well as the first Associate Director for Women’s Health Research at Yale University. Sonja has also served on the Board of Directors for the international professional Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS; 2006 - 2015) and the nonprofit ACBS Foundation focused on global mental health (2018 – 2020), as well as the Board of Advisors for the nonprofit National Association for Veteran Serving Organizations (NAVSO; 2019 - 2020).
Sonja has provided executive coaching, consultation and training internationally for over 20 years, both through videoconference, as well as online and in person group workshops. Through this work, she has helped professionals operating as solo practitioners all the way up to the most senior levels of leadership at Fortune 500 companies. She is a certified Executive Coach who works with health care, nonprofit, and other professionals to increase their leadership skills and become more effective across work-related contexts, as well as a Prosci-certified Change Management Practitioner. Sonja’s areas of expertise include leadership development, employee wellness and engagement, workplace resilience, organizational development, change management, and health care and nonprofit operations.
If you have any questions, would like to request training, consultation, or professional coaching, you can connect with Sonja via this website or on LinkedIn.